

主演:Gila Almagor 

导演:Dimitar Banenkin,丛瑞麟,刘柳



The issue of War widow representation in Israeli cinema is one of the most complex for the local industry for it seems to be unique and with a very local and specific iconography. The war Widow is a difficult character to digest. Because this is an especially painful topic in Israel, its mode of representation is almost always problematic. Gila Almagor in Tofano's "siege" is one of the first characters of the "modern" war widows to appear on Israeli cinema screens. The human and social complexity of the status of widows was not represented adequately and personally until her complex and fine appearance in this film. It was mostly Preceded by cliches of heroic women who have sacrificed for the nation with characters to which it was very difficult to get attached, nor to their personal grief. "Siege" was directed by an unknown Italian director of that period. Although Gilberto Tofano was brought as a professional director on the wings of inspiration made by the French New Wave of those years, he managed to turn out a very exciting work which has caught the Israeli warmth and sense of social siege which surrounds the Israeli widows, including the great expectations from them and the social stigmas. Tofano wrapped his leading lady with lots of warmth and gave a place of honor to Almagor's impressive presence in the film. This is without a doubt one of Almagor's best and most accurate performances. The restraint in her performance plus the shooting and expressive use of angles by Tofano and his soft European touch which was far off from the aggressive local product managed to produce a sense of documenting an authentic tragedy with a tangible personal touch that minimized the national dimension. The result stands the test of time proudly several decades after its creation.




  • 公子硕:刚刚
  • 鱼与喵神:2分钟前
  • 浣若君:6分钟前
  • 我是如来:3分钟前
  • 小妖欢欢:分钟前
    近日,漫威影业称电影已经在筹备了,而出演“美国队长”这个角色的演员,则是在漫威宇宙中扮演猎鹰的Anthony Mackie。
  • 蒜粒:7小时前
    『伍』 韩国电影,一个平凡大龄剩女学习一个男女恋爱教程啥的,钓到一个天王级别的汉子……大概是这样。
  • 弄清浅:6小时前
  • 冰茶老师:3小时前
  • 九命猫仙:5小时前
  • 清几何:1天前


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